Terms and Conditions

Updated 5 August 2024.

Read these Terms and Conditions attentively prior to together our service.

Definitions, Interpretations and defines


The terms that contain the letter “A” is capitalized has meanings that are explained in these definitions. The definitions below are the same regardless of whether they’re in plurals or singularly.


To be able to utilize these General Terms and Conditions

  • Affiliate is a term that can be used for an entity that is owned by or has common control with, an organization who’s “control” is the ownership stake equal to 50percent or more of equity interest, shares or other securities that are eligible to participate in director elections or any other authority of the executive.
  • Country refers to: Pakistan
  • The Company (referred to in this Agreement with the use of “the Company”, “We”, “Us” or “Our” in this Agreement) is a reference to Logical Blogs.
  • HTML0’s devices can be defined as any device that can connect to the service like for example, an iPhone and tablet computers or laptop computers.
  • Service is a reference to the Web website.
  • HTML1 Terms and Conditions (also known as “Terms”) These are the rules and regulations which form the basis for the contract between You and the Company concerning the usage of the service.
  • The expression “third-party” in the Social Media Service means any form of material and/or service (including information, data or products) which is provided by a third-party and may be displayed, integrated or be made accessible via the Service.
  • Website refers to The Logical Blogs, accessible from https://thelogicalblogs.com/
  • The person you is the person that is with or working together with or in connection or in conjunction with Service or the company or any other legal entity in their name. individual who is with or using the Service or with the Service which can be compatible with the applicable.


The document includes the Terms and Conditions which determine use of the Service and also an agreement signed between You and The Company. These guidelines outline the rights they grant, as well as the legal obligations are applicable to any user making access to the Service.

The use and accessibility of the Service are subject to your agreement and conformity with the terms and conditions. The Terms and Conditions are applicable to all users, visitors and all other users who are able to access or use the service.

When you use the Service or use the Service, you agree to comply with the General Terms and Conditions. If you are not in agreement with any portion of these Terms and Conditions, you cannot access the Service.

HTML0You declare that you’re over 18 years old,. The Service will not permit anyone younger than 18 old to access the service.

Your use of and the access your make to our service are subject to the acceptance of and conformity with our Security Policy for the Company. Our Privacy Policy describes the policies and procedures we have in place concerning the use, collection and disclosure of private information whenever you access the Application or Website. It also provides information regarding your rights to privacy and legal safeguards available to your privacy rights. We recommend to read through the Privacy Policy thoroughly prior to engaging together Our Service.

Hyperlinks to different sites

The Service could contain links to other sites as and services that are not under the control and operated, owned or controlled by our Company.

The Company is not responsible or assume any responsibility with respect to the content or privacy and security policies of other sites or services operated by third-party companies. Additionally, you understand and agree that the Company will not be responsible or held accountable directly or indirectly for any damage or losses resulting from or claimed to have been directly or indirectly caused due to the usage of or reliance upon or relating to any material or any of the products or services that are available or accessible through these websites, or any other service.

We recommend to read these conditions together with privacy and security guidelines on other sites or products from third party companies which you may visit.


We can terminate your access to our website without notice and without any obligation at any time, under any circumstances, however not only in the event that you breach the General Terms and Conditions.

When you opt to terminate your subscription the rights to use the Service will immediately end.

Limitation of Haftung

regardless of the damage that you may incur The sole responsibility lies with the Company as well as all of company’s suppliers, in accordance to any provision in these Terms and the sole remedy for all of the above is the price you purchased the Service for (or 100 dollars in the case that you did not purchase anything through this service.

as far as the limits permitted by law, in circumstances, under no circumstances will the Company or any of its affiliates be held accountable for any specific consequential, incidental or any other damage of any kind (including however, not just loss of profit or information, but also other specifics ) or for the loss of personal or business harm. injuries or damages to privacy arising out of to or arising from the use or inability of using the Service, or any hardware or software provided by a third party who are incorporated into or used in conjunction to the Service (or with respect to any provision in the terms) regardless of whether you, the Company or its partners have been informed of the potential for damage or loss, even if you have a remedy that isn’t effective for the primary reason.

Some states do not permit the disqualification of implied warranties or limit the liability for consequential or incidental damages. So, certain of the limitations discussed previously may not apply. There are some states that have limitations regarding the responsibility for consequential or incidental damage. The responsibility of parties is restricted to the maximum amount allowed by law.

“AS is” as well as “AS AS” along with “AS” Disclaimer

Service is offered from the Company “AS as” and “AS suitable for use” and comes without any defects or imperfections with no representation or guarantee or guarantee of any kind. In the event that it is permissible under law and regulations that apply to you, the Company in its entirety, and its affiliates, as well as the respective licensors, as well as the providers of services, do not make all warranties, express or implied either implied, statutory or expressly stated regarding the Service as well as any implied warranties regarding quality, merchantability the ability to meet specific requirements or purposes, titles, non-infringement, as well as any other warranty that are derived from the implementation any transaction with respect to the Service and/or the any other use that is made of or in connection with the Service. Beyond the foregoing further is the case, the Company is not a party to any warranties or representations and doesn’t give any type of guarantee and cannot guarantee whatsoever that the Service will satisfy your requirements or provide extra results you would like and is compatible or be integrated with any various other applications, software or other services. The Company doesn’t warrant that the Service is available in a continuous manner and meet any standards for quality or reliability or is error-free or the possibility that errors or defects are or will be corrected.

without limitation of what has been said but not limiting the above and in no way limit neither the Company or any service providers within the Company makes any representations, warranties or promises whatsoever, whether implicit or explicit (i) about access and operation of the Service together with any details, items, data or materials which are included in the Service; (ii) that the Service is continuous or reliable; (iii) in regards to the accuracy, reliability or the accuracy of any information or data which is accessible via the Service and (iv) it is the sole responsibility for the user to be certain that there’s no way to guarantee that the Service is secure. the Service as well as its servers, as well as any e-mails or material that are sent by or for the use of Company aren’t affected by malware such as trojan horses, viruses Trojan Horses malware, timebombs and other potentially harmful elements.

Certain states don’t permit the exclusion of specific types of warranties, or limitations on the rights and obligations of buyers. So, some (or the entirety) of these limitations and limitations may not be applicable for your particular circumstance. For this reason, the restrictions and exclusions which are set out in this article should be read in the maximum extent legally permitted by law.

The law that regulates law

The laws of the country concerning its conflicts of laws, will govern these Terms and Conditions as and your use of the Services. Your use of the Services could be subject to local laws and federal, state or international laws.

Disputes Resolution

If you’re worried or have concerns concerning the Service, then first try to find solution through calling the Company.

for European Union (EU) Users

HTML0 When you’re an European Union consumer, you are protected under the mandatory laws of the country in which you reside.

United States Legal Compliance

The data you focus on providing confirm that: (i) you aren’t located in a nation that is subject to embargos under the United States government embargo, or has been acknowledged by official from that United States government as a “terrorist backing” country. (ii) You do not declare yourself one of the groups listed as a member of the United States government list of prohibited or restricted organisations.

Severability, Waiver and Severability


In the event any of the terms of these Terms is determined to be inapplicable or ineffective, the clause will be changed. applicable, the clause will be amended and read to fulfill the purpose of the clauses as far as is allowed by laws in force, however the remaining clauses will remain fully in force and their entirety in.


Other than as explicitly stipulated in these Terms, the inability of any one party to exercise its rights or oblige the other party to fulfill the obligations stipulated in these Terms does limit a person’s right to exercise its right or to force its future obligation, nor does accepting any waiver of a breach will not will not affect the validity of any future violation.

Translation Interpretation

These Terms and Conditions may be interpreted in a different way if we communicate them through Our Service. You acknowledge to be aware that the English version is the version that prevails in the event of disagreement.

The Terms and Conditions may be changed. terms and conditions

The sole authority of our company lies with us to modify or alter the Terms at any time. If any modification is major, we’ll endeavor to add the minimum of 30 days ‘ notice before the new Terms taking effect. What is considered to be significant change will be determined by our company’s sole decision-making power.

When you connect to or access Our Service after those revisions are in place you accept to legally bind yourself by the amended terms. If you don’t agree with the new terms whether in total or in parts it is your responsibility to discontinue access to our Service and the website.

Contact Us

If you feel there are any queries regarding these Terms and Conditions of Use, please contact us. be reached by dialing

  • By email: admin@thelogicalblogs.com